How to Bulletproof Your Content Strategy

Businesses spend hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to try and leverage content in a way that serves their business growth, and small business owners look to them as the model, only to feel frustration that they aren’t seeing the return on their time and money to do it.

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How to Bulletproof Your Content Strategy

Businesses spend hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to try and leverage content in a way that serves their business growth, and small business owners look to them as the model, only to feel frustration that they aren’t seeing the return on their time and money to do it.

It’s because there’s so much you can’t see behind their content strategy that you’re missing. What if we could take the content you created and make it work FOR you, instead of disappearing into the ether 24 hours after you posted it?

You need to understand 2 key content creation strategies that will help your content stand the test of time, and represent your brand in a way that gets others to do what you want them to do.

Strategy 1: Understand how to leverage LEGACY Content.
Your brand cannot be built on social media alone. It isn’t searchable. What LEGACY will you leave? You need to be creating content that will make sense to your ideal client today and 10 years from now. In order to do that, I tell my clients to start with their own personal communication preferences and start from there.
What form of communication comes most naturally to you?




Legacy content takes your strongest method of communication and it makes you SEARCHABLE because you’re putting it somewhere other than social.

If you’re great at writing -> Create a blog, write a book, etc.

If you’re great at video -> youtube.

If you’re great at speaking -> podcast.

Taking the topics that stand the test of time, and putting them somewhere where they can live and people can find you from GOOGLING? That’s next level marketing. It won’t show up for you in 3 months, but 3 years from now, you’ll have clients literally banging on your door because they “found you” through something they googled. That’s the power of legacy content.

Strategy 2: Understand how to leverage HERO Content.

Remember that legacy content we created up above? The concepts you’re usually sharing are longer/larger in nature for legacy content, because as the pro in your field, you’ve got a lot to say! We can take those larger pieces of legacy content and use them as HERO pieces that become many smaller pieces of content. Here’s how it works.

Your HERO Content are longer form pieces of content like:

Blog Posts

Youtube videos

Podcast Episodes

Lead magnets



You simply take these larger pieces of content, and you break them into smaller, bite sized pieces in order to maximize the exposure to the concepts.

For example, if you wrote a blog post, you could take 3 quotes to create social media graphics from it. You could take the blog post and use it as a script for a longer video online. You can create a reel to tease the top take aways from the blog post. You can recap what you talked about in the article and drive them to it in the stories.

If you had a podcast episode, you can turn the show notes into a blog post, you can use audio snippets for reels and audiograms, you can pull out your favorite quotes and turn those into social graphics, or use the show notes as a newsletter.

1 piece of hero content magically becomes 10-15 pieces of social content. Remember here the goal of active social media is the BEGINNING of what we want them to do. We want them to engage and connect with you on social, but we want to drive them deeper, drive them to the places where the pull the trigger to work with us.

Leveraging HERO content has you working smarter, not harder. And that, my friends, is the name of the game.

Nail the creation of hero and legacy content, and you’ll master it.

Looking for a pro to help you create the custom legacy and hero content strategy to elevate your business? Let’s talk.

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